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6 Copy-Writing Essentials you must know for Social Media Marketing
Ever wondered why you scrolled past ‘ads’ that show up on your screen? Or why you walked past marketing signage without a second glance? This might be because the copy content you glanced over, didn’t entice or intrigue you right away. Often meaning, the copywriters need to get their creative hats on & up their copy game!
Even when it comes to creating designs for websites, hoardings, or social media, there are various ways to grab attention via design treatment. But why not also turn heads with eye-catching & unique copywriting?
Copywriting can either make or break the shock & awe value of your ad. It can further create engagement, better impression share & elevate your brand image.
With the help of the copywriting experts at Bonoboz, we have compiled a few helping points that can guide you in writing compelling marketing copy & sustaining interest from your audience.
Make sure you define & understand your target audience.
The first thing to identify when ideating your ad campaign or ad creative is to know who your audience is – what content would relate & make them engage more with your brand. Be clear about the objective you want to gain from the marketing copy.
Get familiar with the copy review process.
Making sure you create good quality copy is of utmost importance. Achieve just that by using tools like Google Trends/AdWords, BuzzSumo, Google Analytics, Hemingway App, Yoast, Read-able, Coschedule, Stack Edit, Rhymezone, etc.
Don’t overcrowd with too much information, keep it simple!
There’s already a surplus & overflow on information out there. The target is to make it scannable & to break down your copy into bite-sized content, appealing more to your audience. Also remember to use an Active Voice – make your copy more concise, yet packed with a punch! For example, “Withstand the extreme” is a much more concise version of saying, “Withstand extreme weather, dirt & leakage”.
Give the customer what they want, by focusing on them!
Your communication should be a solution to the problems your audience face. Communicate how you’ll make their life easier. For example, an F&B brand would address the hunger or cravings of their audience when communicating their content – presenting an issue & a solution to it.
Utilise analogies, when appropriate.
The usage of analogies helps communicate complex ideas simply, making it more relatable. Analogies can also be used to increase empathy for your communication. For example, “Marketing is like building a house, it needs a good foundation.”
Don’t forget to pay attention to the adjectives you use as well – choose wisely!
How to communicate effectively via your marketing copy –
Don’t forget to add a sense of humour into your copy content! Your audience will remember the joke, which will in turn create recall for your brand, in terms with that particular funny gimmick. For example, Morton Salt came up with a funny tag line – “When it rains, it pours” – in context with their free-flowing salt packaging.
Choose your CTA (Call To Action) wisely! For example, adding “Order Now” or “Visit Website” would give a clear direction as to what you want to achieve from the audience’s attention.
Steer clear of language or communication that is too controversial. For example, profanity & insensitive wordings.
Copy test all your digital advertising with Convertize – an A/B testing tool, used to add value to the work done. This will help your filter out what resonates with your audience the most.
With all these tactics in place, you’ll be able to ideate & curate the right marketing copy for your brand. Trust in your creative instincts, be confident with your communication & achieve your Digital Marketing goals.